

Friday, 28 December 2012

Strange behavior: new study exposes living cells to synthetic protein

One approach to understanding components in living organisms is to attempt to create them artificially, using principles of chemistry, engineering and genetics. A suite of powerful techniques—collectively referred to as synthetic biology—have been used to produce self-replicating molecules, artificial pathways in living systems and organisms bearing synthetic genomes.
In a new twist, John Chaput, a researcher at Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute and colleagues at the Department of Pharmacology, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ have fabricated an artificial protein in the laboratory and examined the surprising ways living cells respond to it.
“If you take a protein that was created in a test tube and put it inside a cell, does it still function,” Chaput asks. “Does the cell recognize it? Does the cell just chew it up and spit it out?”  This unexplored area represents a new domain for synthetic biology and may ultimately lead to the development of novel therapeutic agents.
The research results, reported in the advanced online edition of the journal ACS Chemical Biology, describe a peculiar set of adaptations exhibited by Escherichia coli bacterial cells exposed to a synthetic protein, dubbed DX. Inside the cell, DX proteins bind with molecules of ATP, the energy source required by all biological entities.
“ATP is the energy currency of life,” Chaput says. The phosphodiester bonds of ATP contain the energy necessary to drive reactions in living systems, giving up their stored energy when these bonds are chemically cleaved. The depletion of available intracellular ATP by DX binding disrupts normal metabolic activity in the cells, preventing them from dividing, (though they continue to grow).
After exposure to DX, the normally spherical E. coli bacteria develop into elongated filaments. Within the filamentous bacteria, dense intracellular lipid structures act to partition the cell at regular intervals along its length (see figure 1). These unusual structures, which the authors call endoliposomes, are an unprecedented phenomenon in such cells.
“Somewhere along the line of this filamentation, other processes begin to happen that we haven’t fully understood at the genetic level, but we can see the results phenotypically,” Chaput says. “These dense lipid structures are forming at very regular regions along the filamented cell and it looks like it could be a defense mechanism, allowing the cell to compartmentalize itself.”  This peculiar adaptation has never been observed in bacterial cells and appears unique for a single-celled organism.
Producing a synthetic protein like DX, which can mimic the elaborate folding characteristics of naturally occurring proteins and bind with a key metabolite like ATP is no easy task.  As Chaput explains, a clever strategy known as mRNA display was used to produce, fine-tune and amplify synthetic proteins capable of binding ATP with high affinity and specificity, much as a naturally occurring ATP-binding protein would.
The depletion of ATP in cells of the bacterium Escherichia coli causes them to
transition to a filamentous state and form dense lipid structures known as endoliposomes.
The structures can be clearly observed in these transmission electron micrographs of increasing magnification.

First, large libraries of random sequence peptides are formed from the four nucleic acids making up DNA, with each strand measuring around 80 nucleotides in length. These sequences are then transcribed into RNA with the help of an enzyme—RNA polymerase.  If a natural ribosome is then introduced, it attaches to the strand and reads the random sequence RNA as though it was a naturally-occurring RNA, generating a synthetic protein as it migrates along the strand. In this way, synthetic proteins based on random RNA sequences can be generated. 
Exposing the batch of synthetic proteins to the target molecule and extracting those that bind can then select for ATP-binding proteins.  But as Chaput explains, there’s a problem: “The big question is how do you recover that genetic information? You can’t reverse transcribe a protein back into DNA. You can’t PCR amplify a protein. So we have to do all these molecular biology tricks.”
The main trick involves an earlier step in the process. A molecular linker is chemically attached to the RNA templates, such that each RNA strand forms a bond with its newly translated protein. The mRNA-protein hybrids are exposed to selection targets (like ATP) over consecutive rounds of increasing stringency. After each round of selection, those library members that remain bound to the target are reverse-transcribed into cDNA (using their conveniently attached RNA messages), and then PCR amplified.
In the current study, E. coli cells exposed to DX transitioned into a filamentous form, which can occur naturally when such cells are subject to conditions of stress. The cells display low metabolic activity and limited cell division, presumably owing to their ATP-starved condition.
The study also examined the ability of E. coli to recover following DX exposure. The cells were found to enter a quiescent state known as viable but non-culturable (VBNC), meaning that they survived ATP sequestration and returned to their non-filamentous state after 48 hours, but lost their reproductive capacity. Further, this condition was difficult to reverse and seems to involve a fundamental reprogramming of the cell.
In an additional response to DX, the filamentous cells form previously undocumented structures, which the authors refer to as endoliposomes. These dense lipid concentrations, spanning the full width of the filamented E. coli, segment the cells into distinct compartments, giving the cells a stringbean-like appearance under the microscope.
The authors speculate that this adaptation may be an effort to maintain homeostasis in regions of the filamentous cell, which have essentially been walled off from the intrusion of ATP-depleting DX. They liken endoliposomes to the series of water-tight compartments found in submarines which are used to isolate damaged sections of the ship and speculate that DX-exposed cells are partitioning their genetic information into regions where it can be safely quarantined. Such self-compartmentalization is known to occur in some eukaryotic cells, but has not been previously observed in prokaryotes like E. coli.
The research indicates that there is still a great deal to learn about bacterial behavior and the repertoire of responses available when such cells encounter novel situations, such as an unfamiliar, synthetic protein. The study also notes that many infectious agents rely on a dormant state, (similar to the VBNC condition observed in the DX-exposed E. coli),  to elude detection by antibiotics. A better understanding of the mechanisms driving this behavior could provide a new approach to targeting such pathogens.
The relative safety of E. coli as a model organism for study may provide a fruitful tool for more in-depth investigation of VBNC states in pathogenic organisms. Further, given ATP’s central importance for living organisms, its suppression may provide another avenue for combating disease. One example would be an engineered bacteriophage capable of delivering DX genes to pathogenic organisms.
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Thursday, 27 December 2012

New Data Challenge Old Views About Evolution of Early Life

A research team led by biogeochemists at the University of California, Riverside has tested a popular hypothesis in paleo-ocean chemistry, and proved it false.
The fossil record indicates that eukaryotes — single-celled and multicellular organisms with more complex cellular structures compared to prokaryotes, such as bacteria — show limited morphological and functional diversity before 800-600 million years ago. Many researchers attribute the delayed diversification and proliferation of eukaryotes, which culminated in the appearance of complex animals about 600 million years ago, to very low levels of the trace metal zinc in seawater.
As it is for humans, zinc is essential for a wide range of basic cellular processes.  Zinc-binding proteins, primarily located in the cell nucleus, are involved in the regulation of gene transcription.
Organic-rich shale samples, such as these
 from the 2.5-billion-year-old Mount McRae
 Shale from Western Australia, were
analyzed for their zinc contents. The results
 confirm that the early ocean was not
 Zn-lean and that other controls must be
invoked to explain the protracted
 appearance and proliferation of eukaryotic
Eukaryotes have increasingly incorporated zinc-binding structures during the last third of their evolutionary history and still employ both early- and late-evolving zinc-binding protein structures.  Zinc is, therefore, of particular importance to eukaryotic organisms.  And so it is not a stretch to blame the 1-2-billion-year delay in the diversification of eukaryotes on low bioavailability of this trace metal.
But after analyzing marine black shale samples from North America, Africa, Australia, Asia and Europe, ranging in age from 2.7 billion years to 580 million years old, the researchers found that the shales reflect high seawater zinc availability and that zinc concentrations during the Proterozoic (2.5 billion to 542 million years ago) were similar to modern concentrations. Zinc, the researchers posit, was never biolimiting.
Study results appear online Dec. 23 in Nature Geoscience.
“We argue that the concentration of zinc in ancient marine black shales is directly related to the concentrations of zinc in seawater and show that zinc is abundant in these rocks throughout Earth’s history,” said Clint Scott, the first author of the research paper and a former UC Riverside graduate student. “We found no evidence for zinc biolimitation in seawater.”
Scott, now a research geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, explained that the connection between zinc limitation and the evolution of eukaryotes was based largely on the hypothesis that Proterozoic oceans were broadly sulfidic. Under broadly sulfidic conditions, zinc should have been scarce because it would have rapidly precipitated in the oceans, he explained.
“However, a 2011 research paper in Nature also published by our group at UCR demonstrated that Proterozoic oceans were more likely broadly ferruginous — that is, low in oxygen and iron-rich — and that sulfidic conditions were more restricted than previously thought,” said Scott, who performed the research in the lab of Timothy Lyons, a professor of biogeochemistry and the principal investigator of the research project.
The research team argues that ferruginous deep oceans, combined with large hydrothermal fluxes of zinc via volcanic activity on the seafloor, maintained high levels of dissolved zinc throughout the oceans and provided a relatively stable marine reservoir of the trace metal over the past 2.7 billion years.
“The key challenge in understanding the early evolution of life is recognizing the environmental conditions under which that life first appeared and diversified,” Lyons said. “We have taken a very direct approach that specifically tracks the availability of essential micronutrients, and, to our surprise, zinc supplies in ancient seawater were much higher and less variable than previously imagined.
“We can imagine for the first time,” he quipped, “that zinc supplements were not on the shopping lists of our early eukaryotic ancestors, and so we better find another reason to explain the mysterious delay in their rise in the ocean.”
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Thursday, 20 December 2012

GEIC deadline extended to 31st December



    GBioFin Entrepreneurship and Innovation Certificate

We come across many students who have lots of business ideas during their graduation days, about opening their own business and a dream of being the Boss /CEO of their own company. But with time, these ideas get cornered and a person ends up finding a good job or takes up higher studies etc, but very few have the courage to start their own venture.

This happens due to many reasons like
a) Lack of knowledge like about how to go into the business
b) Improper direction as to what are the requirements for starting a business 
c) No guidance or less courage to start their own venture.

GBioFin (Gate to Biotech Industries, Organizations and Foundations in India) proudly announces the launching of GEIC (GBioFin Entrepreneurship and Innovation Certificate), a program specialized for entrepreneurship learning.
GEIC is 3 months Online Program started for promoting Biotechnology and Life Sciences in Entrepreneurship field. GEIC aims to provide all the Information regarding Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Research, and Intellectual Property Rights and so on.

It’s a 3-month online course, in which we will give you a larger and a practical picture of the steps / requirements that you need to go through before starting your own venture.
This 3 month program  will give you an edge over other students. Usually, students do  this kind of course after graduating from college so getting this know-how at the college level will at least save 1.5 years of your life.

Programme Includes-
     1. Online Interactive Sessions
     2. Online best course material and module notes (based on patterns from Cambridge and Oxford)
     3. E-Copies of Quarterly Magazine(Biotech Rings) for all the registered  students.
     4. Launch of a student Educational Magazine (E-Copy) for GEIC enrolled Students(including Articles given as assignment for GEIC)
     5.  Interaction with the advisor assigned for the GEIC through email
     6. GEIC Certificate will be sent at the home addresses of each candidate.
     7. Entry in the GBioFin Events with Heavy Discount/ Free Entry in some cases
     8. Gate100 Online Study materials for all.

And many more…

Registration Fees= 1000 /-

To register for GEIC please visit our website www.biofin.net, all the information and details are provided on the homepage.

Contact us:-
Shah Vaibhav-   09769253423
Co-Founder GBioFin Biotechnology Services

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TATA First Dot Student Start-up Award


We have been nominated for Tata first dot Student Start-up Award    Powered by NEN
VOTE for us  ( GBioFin Biotechnology Services) at Tata first dot to BRING THE CHANGE

Get yourself registered  and VOTE for Biotech.
Remember "VOTE" is different from the "LIKE" option. So do cast your vote. AND BRING THE CHANGE !!!!!!!
3 Steps to Cast your VOTE :-
1)Click on the link http://tatafirstdot.com/nomination/gbiofin
2)Click on the Thumbs up Option
3)Sign Up and Like again on the FB Link ( confirmation link will be send to your email id)
4) After the Click on the confirmation link your will be able to CAST YOUR VOTE
5) After you VOTE , make sure your Vote is registered.
- Make sure you VOTE and not just Like 

We have got 4,195 members on Facebook group. We can win this. Please vote.

Come Join Us in our Movement to BRING THE CHANGE !!!!!!!

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CSIR UGC NET(Life Sciences)

This post is dedicated to all the NET aspirants who will be taking the test this Sunday i.e. the 23rd December 2012. 
We hope you are all geared up and ready to rock the test.

CSIR NET exam is really a tough one and thousands of aspirants desire to crack it. It needs a thorough preparation which you all must be done with by now and a well planned strategy for taking the exam.
Here in this post we will be providing you some tips about CSIR UGC NET.

1. The first suggestion to all is to keep a check on the CSIR HRDG website always, even after you have taken the exam.
For instance the timings of the exams was changed as given here.

2. Try doing a lot of question papers of the previous NET exams, as many as possible. This helps in improving your speed which is a crucial factor when one is attempting the questions in very limited time.
In addition to that, it helps in preparing a strategy which you are most likely to follow in your exam to manage your time between questions (not all questions need to be attempted) and obtain the maximum efficiency and as a consequence the maximum marks.

3. Work on your strong topics very exhaustively. Since only 15/20, 35/50 and 25/75 questions need to be done, it will help you to decide the questions quickly thus saving a lot of time. In other words you should have complete knowledge of the topic you are very good at.

4. Never answer the questions randomly. Answer only if you are sure of the answer.
Sometimes categorizing the questions into 3 categories, absolutely sure ones, doubtful ones and the ones with no idea; is helpful. This way you can attempt the first category and only if the required number of questions have not been attempted then only you should try the next category questions.

Last of all, GBioFin wishes "All the Best" to all the candidates.

Just for reference sake:
Syllabus change 
Some Books for reference :

1. Upkars CSIR-UGC/NET/JRF/SLET Life Sciences by Dr.A.P.Singh Kumar Pushkara
2. Truemans UGC-CSIR JRF/NET Life Sciences by Pramod Singh

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Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Designing Influenza Immunogen

Influenza HA is the primary target of neutralizing antibodies during infection, and its sequence undergoes genetic drift and shift in response to immune pressure. The receptor binding HA1 subunit of HA shows much higher sequence variability relative to the metastable, fusion-active HA2 subunit, presumably because neutralizing antibodies are primarily targeted against the former in natural infection. We have designed an HA2-based immunogen using a protein minimization approach that incorporates designed mutations to destabilize the low pH conformation of HA2. The resulting construct (HA6) was expressed in Escherichia coli and refolded from inclusion bodies. Biophysical studies and mutational analysis of the protein indicate that it is folded into the desired neutral pH conformation competent to bind the broadly neutralizing HA2 directed monoclonal 12D1, not the low pH conformation observed in previous studies. HA6 was highly immunogenic in mice and the mice were protected against lethal challenge by the homologous A/HK/68 mouse-adapted virus. An HA6-like construct from another H3 strain (A/Phil/2/82) also protected mice against A/HK/68 challenge. Regions included in HA6 are highly conserved within a subtype and are fairly well conserved within a clade. Targeting the highly conserved HA2 subunit with a bacterially produced immunogen is a vaccine strategy that may aid in pandemic preparedness.

Read the full study here.
A summary is given here.

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Sunday, 2 December 2012

Hiyoshi Internship Program 2013

Hiyoshi Corporation, Omihachiman, Japan and ABK-AOTS DOSOKAI, Tamilnadu Centre are jointly organizing two months stipendiary International Internship Program’2013 at Japan for three students from the Engineering Colleges / Universities of India.

The students can be from Biotechnology, Environmental Science & Chemical Engineering and they should have consistently scored 75% of marks throughout.

Preferences will be given to those students who are having knowledge in basic Japanese Language skill.

Students who are perusing Third Year of Engineering or 1st yr of post graduation can apply for this program

Terms & Conditions and Application Form for the Training at Hiyoshi Corporation, Japan is in below link.

Internship details

Application form

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