



  • A.M.M. Arunachalam–Lakshmi Achi Overseas Loan Scholarship : Interest Free Loan Scholarship for pursuing Post Graduate / Doctoral overseas studies in Engineering Science and Medicine. Application invited approx. in: May. Contact: The Secretary,A.M.M. Educational Foundation, “Parry House”, 43, Moore Street, Chennai - 600 001, Phone: 044 - 25306663 / 6665
  • Aga Khan Foundation International Fellowship Program: For PG studies to financially needy students from developing country. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant: 50% loan basis. Application invited approx. in: June or July. Visit:www.akdn.org/akfisp/HTML/index.html
  • Bharat Petroleum - Scholarship for higher studies: For PG studies in India and Abroad; Prior admission in any institute is compulsory; announced every year: Application invited approx. in May.
  • Bristish Chevening Scholarships: To undertake PG study in UK. Up to 100 Indian professionals receive financial assistance each year. Announced every year. www.chevening.com. Visit:  delhi.scholarship@in.britishcouncil.org.
  • Cambridge-Nehru Scholarships: To pursue Doctoral programme. University Fee, air fare, Maintenance allowance provided:  Application invited approx. in: July. Contact: Nehru Trust for Cambridge University, Teen Murti House, New Delhi – 11.
  • Chinese government scholarship: for higher studies/research/specialized training in subjects - Zoology, Plant Breeding, Genetics, Environmental Science, Fisheries, Agronomy, Sericulture and Botany. Application invited approx. in: Announced around April.
  • CSIR – Senior Research Fellowship: For working professionals in govt. research lab or university with 2 year research/teaching experience. Should have M.Sc/MBBS/MD/ M.Tech degree. Visit: http://csirhrdg.nic.in/srf.htm.
  • CSIR- Junior Research Fellowship: Via conducting all India National Eligibility Test (NET), Twice a year- June and December last Sunday. Fellowship Rs. 8000 pm plus a contingency grant of 20000 p.a. for the first two years; and for the next three years Rs.10000 pm + contingency grant of Rs.20000 pa. Visit: http://csirhrdg.nic.in/srf.htm.
  • Czech Government Scholarship: For PhD program in Agriculture. Eligibility: 60% marks in M.Sc.; age below 30yrs. 6000 Czech Crowns per month: No tuition fee and free medical care provided.
  • DBT (Department of Biotechnology)– Junior Research Fellowships: Granted Via conducting a exam called -Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET) for M.Sc biotech  students with 60% marks; fellowship can be taken in any University/Institute in India where the candidate get him/herself registered for PhD;  Fellowship is for 3 years extendable for 2 more years based on performance. By the end of second year, JRF is upgraded to SRF after assessment. JRF and SRF are Rs. 8, 000/-and 9000/- per month respectively + HRA as per host Institute, plus research contingency of Rs.30,000/- pa. Visit: http://dbtindia.nic.in/research/DBTJRF.htm.
  • DBT– Post Doctoral fellowship in Biotechnology and Life Sciences: For candidates having PhD/MD/MS in Biomedical Sciences/Life Sciences. Selection via interview conducted at IISc Bangalore. Fellowship is 12,000 pm and contingency grant of 50,000 pa for two years. Application invited approx. in: March and October. Visit:http://dbtindia.nic.in/research/researchfmain.html, or Contact: Prof. K. Muniyappa, Deptt. of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore—560 012 (Karnataka), Tel No. 080—3600278 & 3942235 (O), Fax No. 080—3600814, 3600683 or mail to: kmbc@biochem.iisc.ernet.in.
  • DBT’s Biotech Consortium India Ltd conducts BITP - Biotech Industrial Training Programme: For B.Tech (Biotechnology), M.Sc. Biotech/Applied life science/Agriculture.  Around 30 candidates are selected and provided practical training in biotech companies. Stipend of Rs.6,500/- p.m: Applcation invited in: June; Contact-Mr. Manoj Gupta, Asst. Manager, Biotech Consortium India Limited, 5th Floor, Anuvrat Bhawan, 210, Deen Dayal Upadyaya Marg, New Delhi –002; Fax: 011 – 23219063; Email: bcildelhi@vsnl.comwww.bcil.nic.in.
  • DBT- various collaborative fellowships: DBT announces from time to time various foreign collaborative fellowships for Indian students etc. Fellowships amount varies. Announced every year. For latest detail click: http://dbtindia.nic.in/.
  • Developing Solutions Joint Chevening Scholarships:  Around 30 students selected from the developing Commonwealth countries including India in the areas of Environment, Food, Health & Technology. Award includes- Full tuition fees and maintenance. Duration: 1 year; For latest detail click www.nottingham.ac.uk.
  • Developing Solutions Taught Masters Scholarship for India: For Masters degree  programmes at The University of Nottingham, in the areas related to biology, Environment, Food, Health and Technology. A small number of 100% Tuition Fee Scholarships, plus an additional 54 Tuition Fee Scholarships – normally 20% to 30%, are available for new students from India. Application invited approx. in: May. For detailed information on forms & types of courses available click: www.nottingham.ac.uk/international/scholarshipsandfinance/scholarships/scholarships_a-z.php.
  • DFID Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme (CSSS): For graduate students from the developing Commonwealth countries including India to pursue Masters course. Number of awards: approx 3. Subject areas include Agriculture and related subjects at University of Oxford. Award includes fees, maintenance and air fare per annum. Duration : maximum 2 years. Application invited approx. in: Feb 2008. For latest detail click http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/io/funding/csss.shtml.
  • Fair & Lovely Foundation Scholarships: Project Saraswati, for graduate course in India. 60% marks in 10th and 12th standard. Rs.100000.00 p.a. Introduced first time; Application invited approx. in: September. visit: www.fairandlovely.in. 
  • Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (a centre of TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH), Research Scholarships: For Research work Rs.8,000/-p.m. (increased to Rs.9500 after registration for PhD). Application invited approx. in: April. Contact: Sr. Administrative Officer, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, V.N.Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai - 400 088; or Visit: www.hbcse.tifr.res.in.
  • ICMR – Junior Research Fellowship Examination: for students of M.Sc. Biochemistry, Medical biotechnology etc. Fellowship is Rs 8000 pm for first two years and Rs 10000 pm for remaining two years. Visit: http://www.icmr.nic.in/jrf.htm.
  • ICMR – Senior Research Fellowship: For working professional in govt. research lab or university with 2 year research. /teaching experience, to pursue research  leading to Ph.D/MD etc. in biomedicine. Visit:  http://www.icmr.nic.in/fellow.htm.
  • ICMR – Short Term Research Studentship For Medical Students: MBBS. For familiarizing students with research techniques, methodology. Visit:http://www.icmr.nic.in/shortr.htm.
  • India Undergraduate High Achiever Scholarships: For students from India registering on Undergraduate Degree programmes at The University of Nottingham – in Science subject, excluding Medicine and Veterinary Science. No. of Tuition Fee Scholarships: 5; each with £3,000. The scholarships are for the first year only. Application invited approx. in: June. visit:www.nottingham.ac.uk/international/scholarshipsandfinance/scholarships/scholarships_a-z.php.
  • Indian Academy of Science Summer Research Fellowships: Granted to 75 students and 25 teachers. Fellowship amount: Rs.3000 pm for 2 months between April and July, with travel and living expenses; Apply around Nov-Dec.http://www.ias.ac.in/initiatives.html.
  • ICAR’s (Indian Council for Agriculture Research) Junior Research Fellowships (JRF): Granted via entrance examination for admission to 100% seats of Master’s degree program at IARI, IVRI, CIFE, NDRI and 25% seats at all the SAUs, CAU and Central Universities in the field of Agriculture, Veterinary & Allied Sciences. No. of scholarships: 500. Scholarship amount: Rs. 8,000 p.m. for graduates of veterinary science and Rs. 5000 p.m. for graduates in other disciplines. Contingent grant of Rs. 6,000 pa. Duration: 2 yrs.
  • ICAR Senior Research Fellowship (SRF): Offered to all Ph.D Animal Genetics and Breeding students who are admitted to in NDRI/IVRI. Duration: 3 years. Fellowship amount: Rs. 9500/- per month in 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 10,000/- per month in 3rd year; and a contingent grant of Rs. 10,000/- per annum.
  • Indira Gandhi PG Scholarship for Single Girl Child: Girls who are only child of their parents for Postgraduate studies in India in any discipline. Visit: www.ugc.ac.in/. contact: Joint Secretary (sa), University Grants Commission, UGC block, Delhi University, South Campus, Benito Juarez Marg, New Delhi- 100 021.
  • Inlaks Foundation: For MS/PhD studies both in India and Abroad. Applicant must have confirmed admission. Selection through screening of application and interview. Visit:http://www.inlaksfoundation.org/. Inlaks Scholarships P.O. Box 2108. Delhi 110007.
  • INSA-COSTA-CSIR Travel grants: Applicable for Indian Researcher/Students under 35years age. Provide travel grants to present their papers at international seminars, symposia and meetings. Announced every year. Contact: Scientific secretary COSTED, COSTED secretariat, 24 Gandhi Mandap Road, Chennai-600025.
  • Japanese Government Scholarships: For Research studies (Not for Post Doctoral research) in Bio-technology, Biological Oceanography, Fisheries, Environmental Science.; age below 35yrs.  Allowance includes: Maintenance allowance of 1,75,000 Yen pm, arrival allowance of 25,000 Yen, free to and fro air ticket, No tuition fee, free medical. Duration: 18-24 months. Application invited approx. in: May. Contact: The Section officer, ES.3 Section, Department of Secondary & Higher education, A.1/W.3 Curzon Road Barracks, kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001; Visit:www.education.nic.in.
  • JNTata Endowment Scholarship: For MS/PhD studies abroad. Loan scholarships amount Rs.50000-200000. Repayment after degree completion. Visit: www.tata.com/0_our_commitment/community_initiatives/tata_trusts/jn_tata_trust.htm.Contact: The Director, J N Tata Endowment, Bombay house, 24, Homi Modi Street, Fort, Mumbai – 400001.
  • K.C. Mahindra Education Trust Scholarship: For graduate in science and technology. Interest free loan scholarships given for two years. Contact: The Managing Trustee, K C Mahindra Education Trust, Cecil court, Mahakavi Bhusan Marg, Mumbai-39.
  • KAUST DISCOVERY SCHOLARSHIPS: Applicable for Students who will complete their UG degree before September 2009. Announced for the first time.www.kaust.edu.sa/students/discovery-scholarships.aspx.
  • Kishor Vaigyanik Protsahan YojanaFor students studying in XI, XII, B.Sc., M.Sc. B.E., B.Tech, B.Arch, M.B.B.S. courses. Scholarships provided up to the pre-PhD. level. Visit: http://www.iisc.ernet.in/kvpy/. Contact: The Convener, Kishor Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore 560012.
  • Lady Tata Memorial Trust Research Fellowship: For doctoral studies in India in the field of biomedical/medical sciences. Eligibility MBBS/MD/M.Sc. life sciences. Duration: For three years. Monthly stipend of Rs.8000 and contingency grant of 20000 per year. Application invited approx. in: December: Contact: The Director, Lady Tata Memorial Trust, Bombay house, 24, Homi Modi Street, Fort Mumbai – 400001.
  • National Brain Research Centre, Scholarships and Fellowships: For M.Sc., Ph.D., and PDF programs in Science. Monthly Scholarships for- M.Sc.-Rs. 1,000; Ph.D - Rs. 8,000, and for Post Doctoral Fellow-Rs. 10,500. Contact: Administrative Officer , National Brain Research Centre , NH - 8, Manesar, 122050 latest by 15th April ,2004. Visit: www.nbrc.ac.in.
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP):It is for students from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue biomedical science careers at the NIH. Number of scholarships: Approx. 15. Scholarships amount: up to $20,000 per year to pay for tuition, educational expenses and reasonable living expenses. Duration: Up to 4 years. Visit:www.ugsp.nih.gov/overview_faqs/overview_faqs.asp?m=01&s=01.
  •  National Overseas Scholarships/ Passage Grant for SC and Backward castes/tribes/ Minorities: For P.G./PhD/Research and Training abroad. Total income from all sources of the employed candidate or his/her parents/guardians shall not exceed Rs.25,000/-. Visit: www.socialjustice.nic.in/events/welcome.htm.
  •  National Talent Scholarship Examination by ICAR for 10+2 students: having Physics, Chemistry and Agriculture/ Biology / Mathematics as full subjects;  Student will be eligible for graduate courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Forestry, Sericulture, Agricultural engineering, Dairy Technology, Food Science & Technology and Agriculture Marketing banking & Co-Operation. Rs.800/- per month shall be awarded to first 230 meritorious candidates in this Examination in each of the subjects given provided a candidate takes admission in any Institution not falling in his /her own home state. Exam in -May. Contact: The Controller of Examination      (Education Division), Room No.226, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-II, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012.
  • Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) Scholarships to SC/ST Students:Eligibility: 60% marks in 10+2 and should be already admitted to 1st yr graduation; For higher studies in Engineering, MBA. For engineering students year wise scholarships are: I year Rs.12,000; II year Rs.12,000; III year Rs.18,000; IV year Rs.18,000.
  • Paul Foundation Scholarships: For postgraduate studies only (MS/PhD) both in India and abroad.  Visit: www.thepaulfoundation.org/scholarships.htm.
  • Post Graduate Scholarships for professional Courses for SC/ST candidates.: For Post-Graduate Level studies in professional subjects at Indian Universities and Colleges. Fellowship tenure up to PG completion.  Scholarship-Rs. 5,000 p.m. with the Contingency grant of Rs.15,000 p.a for professional courses; and for other courses Rs. 3,000 p.m. with the contingency of Rs.10,000 p.a. Visit: www.ugc.ac.in/. Contact: Joint secretary (SA), University Grants Commission, UGC block, Delhi University, south campus, Benito Juarez Marg, New Delhi- 100 021.
  •  Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme (RGNFS) for SC/ST Candidates : For M.Phil and Ph.D. work in Indian Universities & Colleges. Fellowship amount is 8000 pm + contingency grant of 10000 pa. Contact: Joint Secretary, (SA), University Grants Commission, University Of Delhi, South Campus, Benito Juarez Marg, New Delhi-110 021. Click for Original Notice: http://www.ugc.ac.in/notices/advertiesrgnfsscst.pdf
  • RD Birla Smarak Kosh Grants: For training in the field of medicine, science and technology. Contact: The Director, R D Birla Smarak Kosh medical research center, Bombay Hospital trust, Hospital Avenue, Mumbai – 400020.
  • RD Sethna Scholarship Fund: Given in the field of Science and technology: Contact:The Chief Executive, R D Sethna Scholarship Fund, Esplanade House, 29, Waudby Road, Mumbai – 400001.
  • Research Associateship for SC/ST Candidates: For postdoctoral research and research in Indian Universities and Colleges. Duration: 5 years. Associateship is Rs.12,000 p.m.+ H.R.A.+ annual contingency of Rs.  30,000 and Departmental Assistance @ 10% of Associateship to the host Institute. Visit: www.ugc.ac.in/. Contact: Joint Secretary (Sa), University Grants Commission, UGC Block, Delhi University, South Campus Benito Juarez Marg, New Delhi- 100 021.
  •  Rhodes Scholarship : Granted to 6 Indian Students for PhD studies at Oxford University. Visit:  www.rhodesscholarships-india.com/. Contact: The Office of Indian Secretary, Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, PO Box 2108, Delhi 110007. 
  • Sahu Jain Trust Scholarships: Given in the field of Science and technology. Duration: 2 years. Contact: The Secretary, Sahu Jain Trust, 18 Institutional area, Lodi road, New Delhi-03.
  • Scholarship scheme for higher education for students of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes- approved by The Union Cabinet: Applicable for XII passed students. Family income should not exceed Rs.2 lakh pa. It includes all teaching expenses, grant for computer, stationary, books. Rs.2,220 a month as living expenses.
  •  Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship: Granted to top 20% candidates who qualify the NET, CSIR examination. Fellowship amount: Rs. 10,000 Rs. 15000 for 1st and 2ndyear respectively and HRA. Contingency grant Rs. 50,000.
  • SOPHIA MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS Inc: For pursuing bachelor's degree in Engineering and in Medicine; Admission in Ist year in college compulsory. Visit: www.sophiascholarship.org.
  • TATA Innovation Fellowship sponsored by DBT: PhD in life sciences with innovative work and publications. Duration: 3 years, extendable to 2 more years. Scholarship amount: Rs.20,000 per month excluding salary from host institute. Rs. 5 lakh contingency grant per year. Application invited approx. in: December. Contact: Dr. Meenakshi Munshi, Principal Scientific Officer, Department of Biotechnology, Block-2, 6-8th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003. Visit: www.dbtindia.gov.in.
  • Tata Memorial Centre & Tata Memorial Hospital- Junior Research  Scholarships For Cancer Biology: Eligibility: M.Sc. in Applied Biology/ Zoology/ Biophysics/Life sciences/ Molecular biology/ Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology or MBBS/MVSc/M Pharma  with at least 55 per cent marks.  Candidates are admitted to PhD programme. Scholarship: Rs 8,000 per month + HRA. ‘Objective type' written examination takes place in: July in Mumbai. Contact: Tata Memorial Centre, Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai -- 410 208. e-mail: office@actrec.res.in.
  •  The Gates Cambridge Scholarships: Number of scholarships: more than 100 excluding USA students.  Graduate students from outside the United Kingdom are eligible to study any Graduate to PhD course at the University of Cambridge. Prior admission at Cambridge is compulsory. Scholarships cover the full cost of study at Cambridge including tuition and fees and a maintenance allowance. Application invited approx. in: December for M.Phil. &  PhD. Visit:  www.gates.scholarships.cam.ac.uk/ 
Latest International Scholarship-Fellowship in Biotech and life sciences
Here are some links providing latest information on currently available scholarships and fellowships abroad:
  • www.getscholarship.net/archives/: very good website having hundreds of different types of updated foreign scholarships and Fellowships, right from non-degree, Degree to Post doc levels.
  • www.scholarshipnet.info/: good information on international scholarship and fellowship information.
  • www.findaphd.com/: good website that provides information regarding availability of fellowships from postgraduate to post doc level all over the world.

DBT-TWAS Biotechnology Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research in India

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT)of the Ministry of Science and Technology, India and TWAS haveinstituted a fellowship programme for foreign scientists fromdeveloping countries who wish to pursue postdoctoral biotechnologyresearch in India.


  • The fellowships will be tenable at key biotechnology researchinstitutions in India for a period of one year at a monthly stipend ofINR 11,500 (Indian Rupees). The monthly stipend will not be convertibleinto foreign currency. In addition, the research fellows will receiveHRA (House Rent Allowance) and medical coverage (for minor ailmentsonly). Fellowship holders are therefore advised to make their ownarrangements for more comprehensive medical insurance. Moreover, thefellowships do not provide any support for family members.
  • Acontingency grant of INR 20,000 per fellowship holder per annum will beprovided to the host institute/laboratory in India for study toursundertaken within India in the interest of his/her research work and/orfor the purchase of study material. For a period less than one year,the grant is admissible on a pro rata basis.
  • The cost of international travel (economy class and shortest route) will be met by TWAS.
  • The fellowship holder should not take up other assignments during the period of his/her fellowship.
  • The deadline for receipt of all requests is 31 August of each year.


To be eligible for these fellowships candidates must meet the following criteria:
  • Maximum age 40 years.
  • Minimum qualification requirement is a Ph.D degree in bioscience or biotechnology.
  • Candidates must provide evidence that they will return to their home country upon completion of the fellowship.
  • Candidatesmust be nationals of a developing country (other than India), beregularly employed at a research and/or teaching institution in theirhome country and hold a research assignment there.


Application Form for download: PDF fileDBT-TWAS Biotechnology Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research in India (85 K, includes list of biotechnology institutions in India).
Get Adobe ReaderThis is a plain form, meant to be printed out and used as a standardpaper form. It may be filled in electronically only if the full(commercial) package of Adobe Acrobat is available because the (free)Adobe Acrobat Reader can only print this form. - NB: This document was notproduced with a word processor, and is not available as a MS Word document.
A list of biotechnology institutes in IndiaPDF fileList_Biotechn_India.pdfis provided to help candidates in their choice of a suitable hostinstitution. However, candidates are free to choose an Indianbiotechnology institution that does not appear on the list.
Deadline for applications is 31 August of each year.
Completed forms should be sent to:
TWAS Fellowships Office
c/o The Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Strada Costiera 11
34014 Trieste, Italy
Phone: +39 040 2240314
Fax: +39 040 224559
E-mail: fellowships@twas.org.
IMPORTANT!Incomplete/unsigned applications will NOT be accepted. This alsoapplies to submissions by fax and electronic mail which must includeall enclosures and be signed (either digitally or by including ascanned signature).
Applications will ONLY be acknowledged when processed.

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