BITP is a programme of Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, managed by Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL). The objective of BITP is to provide practical industrial exposure for six months to students to imMe job prospects and to help biotech industry to identify prospective manpower. During the training stipend @ 8000/- per month is paid to trainees and bench fee is paid to companies to cover expenses towards training. DBT invites applications from the biotech students and requisitions from the biotech companies.
Attn: Biotechnology Industry
Biotech companies interested to provide practical training to the students of Biotechnology under BITP may apply online. The companies would have no obligation towards any payments to trainees. For "Requisition Form" please visit from 1st May, 2013. Trainees would be provided to companies subject to availabky. In case of any query, please send email to
Attn: Biotechnology Students
Biotech students interested in practical training in biotech companies may apply online. B.E./B.Tech./M.ScIM.Tech./M.V.Sc. in Biotechnology from Indian recognized universities with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade completed in the year 2012 or 2013 are eligible to apply. Candidates will be selected based on online test followed by interview. Online test would be conducted at centers across the country. Applications will be accepted online only along with the non-refundable application fee of 500/- to be paid online by Debit/Credit card or internet banking. For details about the programme and to fill the application form, please visit (Online portal for filling applications forms will be opened from 1 May, 2013).
The following documents are to be sent to Mr. Manoj Gupta, Deputy Manager, Biotech Consortium India Limited , 5th floor, Anuvrat Bhavan, 210, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi-110002 by speed post/courier:
1. Hard copy of the online submitted application form and payment receipt. 2. Copies of marksheets and degree/provisional certificate of highest degree qualification upto the semester/year for which result has been declared attested by gazetted officer.
Important Timelines (2013):
Last date for receipt of applications and documents. : May 31 List of the candidates short listed for online test will be displayed on the website, 3rd week Online test : July 6 Results of online test, list of candidates short listed for Interview, details of venue, date and time of the interview will be displayed on website. No individual intimation for interviews would be sent: July 12 July 25th- August 23rd : Interviews for final selection of candidates September 2nd week : List of candidates selected for training will be displayed on website. October : Commencement of training.
Candidates interested in higher studies and research need not apply. Application does not guarantee training under BITP. No TA/DA will be paid to the students appearing for online test. Decision of the Selection Committee will be final. Training does not ensure permanent placement. Candidates will be required to join anywhere in India. Applications for change of location will not be entertained. If the trainee leaves the training in between or is terminated, stipend and bench fee would not be paid for the rest of the training period.