

Friday, 7 June 2013

DBT - ABLE (Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises) announces BEST INDIA 2013


Biotechnology Entrepreneurship Stident Teams

How bright will your idea be for the Bio Economy?

Organized by

Department of Biotechnology

Ministry of Science and Technology

Government of India

Announcing the 5th edition of the concept to reality forum - BEST INDIA 2013. Successfully held for the past four years, this much awaited forum is for young B.E./B.Tech, postgraduate and doctoral students of the life sciences to realise their entrepreneurial dreams.

All you need to do is...

Form a team of five members with a nominated team leader. Submit a Concept Note with your big idea!. A jury will judge your submission for scientific temper, innovation and commercialization potential. Twenty of the best ideas will be short listed.

The top twenty teams get to attend a high quality Entrepreneurship Workshop that familiarises members with aspects involved in starting a venture such as Business Plan, Intellectual Property & Patenting Strategies, Funding and Financing.

At the end of the Workshop, your team will develop and present a Business Plan to the jury. The team with the best Business Plan will receive Rs. 500,000/-. There will be two second prizes of - Rs. 300,000/- each and two third prizes of Rs. 200,000/- each.

The top five teams get invited to ABLE's BioInvest Conference, arguably, the largest and most prestigious Life Sciences Investment Forum. Here they will present their business plans to Venture Capitalists, Private Equity Fund Managers and Other investors.

Methodology :

A nationwide ‘Call for Proposals’ in the area of life sciences that has commercialization potential will be announced through various communication media.

Students have to form a team comprising of 5 team members, identify a team leader and a faculty member/mentor as a Guide. The Guide is optional and not a part of the team.

Each team will submit a Concept Note based on which a Panel will screen the applications and shortlist 20 teams. These 20 teams will attend a fully paid for high quality Entrepreneurship Workshop that will familiarize them on matters related to starting a business venture like Business Plans, IP & Patenting Strategies, Raising Finance, Business Strategies ,HR Practices and Communication Skills. At the end of the Workshop, each team will develop a business plan based on their Concept and learning from the Workshop and make a ten minute power point presentation to the Jury. The Jury will evaluate and critique each of the business plans and identify 5 winning teams.

Winning team with the best business plan will receive Rs. 5,00,000/- as first prize. There will be two second prizes Rs. 3,00,000/- each and two third prizes Rs. 2,00,000/- each.

The winning teams will also begiven an opportunity to attend and present their business plans at ABLE’s Annual BioInvest Conference. BioInvest is ABLE’s flagship conference that brings together on one platform Life Science Companies, Institutional Investors and Investment Bankers to explore opportunities for investment.

Eligibility Criteria : Applicants must be students who are currently pursuing their masters (including 5 year integrated post graduate degree), doctoral degree (PhD., Post Doc.), BE or B.Tech courses, 4yr BSc. Agri programme or any equivalent four year professional courses in the area of life sciences (bioscience/ Biotechnology and/or related subjects) from Indian universities/Institutes.

Team should :

Have minimum of 5 members

At least two members should have a Life Science background (bachelors including BSc or masters) and the rest can be from other disciplines.

Each team will submit only one entry. A participant can be a member of only one team.

Core Biotechnology disciplines under which Concept Notes will be invited include Agriculture, Aquaculture, Alternate Energy/Bio-energy, Biological Applications, Bioprocess Engineering, Drug discovery & Development, Environment, Food, Human Resource Development, Medical, Medical Diagnostics, Medical devices, Medical Therapeutics, Nanobiology/Nanobiotechnology, and Vaccines.

The proposals could be either for product, service or an application.

Important : The proposals will be screened stringently for plagiarism. If plagiarism is found at any given stage of the programme, the team will be debarred & the head of the institution will be notified.

Participation Details :

a) Preparation of Documents : Prepare 2 documents

Executive Summary

Concept Note

The components of Executive Summary and Concept Note are given below.

i). Executive Summary (800 Words not exceeding 100KB)

The Executive Summary should include :


Define the idea

Establish Novelty/Innovativeness of the Idea

Demonstrate Intellectual Property generation/Trademark (as applicable)

Include Competitive Analysis and Market Potential.

Determine Commercialization Potential and Scalability- should also indicate which stage your idea is in, for example-Idea

stage/prototype stage/ proof of concept/ near commercialization.

ii). Concept Note (Not exceeding 500 KB)

The Concept Note should include :

Concept Note title

Concept and Scientific Rationale of the idea

Market Potential

Commercialization prospects and Scalability

Current challenges and roadblocks in the development of the project including regulatory approvals.

b) Uploading

Before you start the online process to participate in the BEST 2013 programme, make sure you have the digital files of all records mentioned below :

PDF version of the Executive Summary not exceeding 100 KB.

PDF version of the Concept Note, not exceeding 500KB.

PDF version of the letter from the Institute authorizing your team’s participation. File size should not exceed 100 kb.


If members of a team are from the same Institute, the same authorization letter with the name of all the team members can be uploaded against individual member’s name.

If members of a team are from different Institutes, authorization letter from respective Institute must be uploaded.

JPG version of photo-identity cards of all the team members issued by the respective College/Institute. Each file should not exceed 100 kb.

Upload your Concept Note on www.ableindia.in. After filling in the details &uploading the documents you will get an opportunity to review. Once you review all the submitted information to your satisfaction, press the submit button at the bottom. After submission you cannot make any further changes or resubmit. As soon as the submission is completed, the team leader will receive a BEST ID number on the email provided. This ID number must be used for all future correspondence and reference.

Important : Only online submission will be accepted. No other form of submission will be considered. Online Uploading will open on 5th June, 2013 at 9.00 am and will close on July 20th 5.00 pm.

Screening : Jury - A panel of judges will screen the applications. The Jury consists of eminent

persons from academia,industry and investment sector.

The Concept Notes will be screened for :

Innovativeness of the idea

Techno economic feasibility and scalability of the idea

Commercialization &Market potential of the idea

Clarity of communication

Twenty teams that score the highest points will be selected to attend the Entrepreneurship Development Workshop.

Workshop : A 3-4 day residential Entrepreneurship Development Workshop will be conducted

by ABLE. The workshop will cover a wide range of topics, like Business Plan Essentials, Raising Finance, Intellectual Property Rights &Patenting Strategies, HR Practices & Communication Skills. Industry experts in these fields will address

and interact with the participants.

After the workshop, each of the 20 teams will make a 10 minute presentation to the Jury after which the Jury will ask questions to the team members and evaluate and critique the business plans for:

Innovativeness of the idea

How well has the idea been reduced to practice

Techno economic feasibility and scalability of the idea

Commercialization & Market potential of the idea

Quality and conviction of team

After all teams have finished their presentations and question-answers, the Jury will decide and announce 5 winning teams.

Note : It is compulsory for all the team members to attend the workshop.

Award : The Five winning teams will be presented with cash awards at ABLE’s BioInvest Conference. The awards are sponsored by DBT. The 1st Prize will be Rs. 500,000/- (for one team), the 2nd Prize will be Rs. Rs. 300,000/- (for two teams each) and the 3rd Prize will be Rs. 200,000/-(for two teams each). Prize money will be distributed equally among all team members during the BioInvest Program.

Helpdesk :

Brinda R / Email : brinda@ableindia.org

Priyanka A / Email : priyanka@ableindia.org

ABLE Secretariat

No.123/C, 16th Main,

5th Cross,4th Block,


Bangalore 560034


Website: www.ableindia.in

Email : best@ableindia.org

Helpdesk : Monday to Friday – 09.00 am to 6.00 pm on +91-80-4163 6853

Deadline : 20.07.13