Mohd Tayyab Adil, IIT Roorkee
I am Mohd Tayyab Adil and I am a senior now at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. This summer
I interned at the Whitehead Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I got selected for this
Internship through Khorana program which is a magnificent program for all the Indian bio students who
want to pursue research as a career.
Experiences like these are truly an amazing one and mine was no different. In these two months, I
learned so much both in the lab and outside it. It was the best two months ever. And GBioFin has played
an important part in making that possible.
The ultimate goal of any education is getting a career out of it. And every career requires more than just
plain and simple education. It requires a certain set of skills and more importantly some experience in
that career. GBioFin provides that important additional skills and experience to everyone who is a part
of it.
GBioFin is a student orientated organization. What that means? It means that GBioFin is a community of
students who help each other out in their endeavors. I got a lot of help from all the members of GBioFin.
I got to know about the Khorana program from GBioFin. So much so that GBioFin helped me about how
I should write my personal statement which is a crucial part of an internship application. I work as the
Regional Head of the Roorkee region for GBioFin and I get to do a lot of cool things like representing a
great organization that GBioFin is, preparing quiz to be held at Tech Fests of colleges, interviewing the
pioneer professors in my field and the list goes on. All these things that I got to write on my resume
were so great of an achievement that my application got a significant boost. Never mind the immense
boost it provided to my resumes, it made me a more suitable person for the working world.
As a part of GBioFin, we interact with all the people of the both Biotech community and the business/
management community. These little but key interactions are very good of an experience and provide
us with the very important exposure of the outside world, the working world. For example, I attended a
conference through GBioFin where I met a lot of professors and this interaction helped me understand
how researches work and helped me picture all that needs to be done to be successful in this field.
GBioFin was established to help biotech students all over India and in my case, it has successfully done
so. GBioFin aims at improving the status of Biotechnology in India and helping students visualize the
great possibilities in this field. The students obviously need to be the one to grab the opportunities but
GBioFin showers the students with a whole bunch of opportunities and help them realize their potential.
Now, those of you, who have made it this far, without getting dizzy, would be thinking about how you
can benefit from GBioFin. It’s really simple. Just be a part of us. Help us help you- that’s our motto and
we plan to make Indian students one of the best biotechnologists the world has ever seen.