

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

INDO-AUSTRALIA S&T VISITING FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME (Supported by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) 2012

Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi invites applications from outstanding Indian Early Career Researchers and Senior Professional Scientists having regular position in Indian recognized S&T Institutions/Universities and actively engaged in research in frontline areas in all fields of Science & Technology including Medical and Agriculture to visit Australia during the year 2012 for 3-12 months (Early Career Researches) and 1-2 weeks (Senior Scientists) under Indo-Australia S&T Visiting Fellowship Programme-2012 supported by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi.
Application form given below may be downloaded and duly completed and endorsed by the Head of the Institution should be submitted latest by September 30, 2012.
Applications are invited from Indian early career researchers and senior professional scientists to visit Australia between 1 April 2012 and 31 March 2013 to collaborate with Australian researchers. The Early Career Visiting Fellowships are designed to support the development of research skills and networks and facilitate access to specialised equipment and training. The Senior Scientists visiting Fellowships are designed to facilitate targeted research collaboration, short visiting lectureship and outreach activities.
The applicant should be a scientist living in India, holding a regular position in a recognized S&T Institution/University and actively engaged in research work in frontline areas. The candidates who have availed any other overseas fellowship for a period of more than three months under any Government/public funding agency during last three years will not be considered for this fellowship. The applicant should have been accepted to work in any Institute/Laboratory in Australia to be visited and this should be supported by a letter of invitation from the host Institution(s) commenting on the proposed collaboration. The applicant should submit a detailed programme of his/her collaborative research work to be conducted in consultation with the host scientist(s) in Australia. All applications should be forwarded through proper channel by the employer/Head of the Institution.
Proposals will be assessed on the scientific merit of the research, the demonstrated achievements of the applicant in the context of his/her career to date, the appropriateness of the work being done in Australia, the value of the expected outcome of the research project to Indian Science, and whether the visit will improve Indian access to global leading-edge science and technology. He/She should propose a collaborative research project, or a specific activity, which has been developed in consultation with host scientist(s) in Australia.
The grant scheme is not to supplement or extend either study or sabbatical leave that is being conducted overseas. The proposed visit should initiate or consolidate long-term collaborations and facilitate the development of the applicant’s career. 
Field of Research : Proposals in any field of natural science, basic and applied, and engineering science, mathematics, statistics and health will be considered. Applicants engaged in multidisciplinary research are invited to apply but should note that proposals for research solely in humanities, social or behavioral science are not eligible to apply.
Duration : The duration for the Early Career Visiting Fellowships must be for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months. The duration of the Senior Visiting Fellowship must be for a minimum of 1week and a maximum of 2 Weeks. The program does not provide funds for bench fees and managerial costs. 
Eligibility : Applicant for the Early Career Visiting Fellowships must hold a PhD degree or equivalent, which has been received within 10 years of submitting the grant application. An extension to this limit may be approved due to significant career interruptions. Applicant for the Senior Visiting Fellowships must be a senior scientist, university professor or other researcher with substantial professorial experience e.g. have been engaged in research at a university or research institute for at least 10 years, following completion of a PhD degree or equivalent, and should not be more than 55 years as only last date of submission (30th September, 2012) at the time of submitting the grant application. Age may be relaxed in special cases based on merit. 
Scope of Finance
Early Career Researchers
1.       Number of Fellowships : 20 Fellowships 
2.       Duration of Fellowship : 3-12 months
3.       Fellowship amount per month : USD 3000
4.       Contingency grant (to cover visa charges and medical insurance etc.- Rs 20,000
5.       Cost of to and fro air passage in economy Class from the place of working in India to the place of overseas host institute in Australia : As per actual
6.       Fellows will also be permitted to travel within the host country for attending conference/workshop or visit other institute with the approval of host institute. For this purpose, the fellows will be entitled to a grant of USD 600 for fellowship duration up to six months and USD 1200 for fellowship duration beyond six months. The claim should be supported with vouchers.
Senior Scientists
1.       Number of Fellowships : 10 Fellowships
2.       Duration of Fellowship : 1-2 weeks
3.       Fellowship amount : USD 250 per day (per-dim@ USD 100 per day and accommodation charges @ USD 150 per day supported by vouchers)
4.       Contingency grant (to cover visa charges and medical insurance etc.- Rs 10,000
5.       Cost of to and fro air passage in economy Class from the place of working in India to the place of overseas host institute in Australia - As per actual
The Fellows will be entitled to a grant of USD 500 for travel within the host country for attending conference/workshop or visit other institute with the approval of host institute. The claim should be supported with vouchers.

visit for further information and application form : http://insaindia.org/download5.php?file=pdf/Guidelines_and_Application_Form.pdf