Mahatma Gandhi University
Applications are invited from qualified candidates for 3 JRF positions, under the DBT Sponsored DBT-MSUB programme (2 JRF’s in Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and 1 JRF in School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam). The amount of fellowship and eligibility will be as per DST norms.
Qualification for JRF’s: in School of Biosciences: M.Sc or M.Phil in Biochemistry/ Physiology/Zoology/Pharmacology/Pharmacognancy
Desirable Qualifications: NET qualified, Experience in animal studies and animal cell culture The selected candidates will work in the developing 3D cell cultures for evaluation of effects of bioactive molecules.
How to apply: Apply on plain paper to the Undersigned with bio-data (Matriculation onwards) accompanied by attested copies of your Certificates / Degrees, experience certificate etc. Kindly mention the project number, your detail contact address, E-Mail, Cell No, Telephone No etc. Applications should reach the Principal investigator within 20 days from date of advertisement by post. You can also send an advance copy of your CV through e-mail to the contact e-mail id of the Project coordinator . Interview date will be intimated by E. mail only. No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview
Mailing address:
Project Coordinator, DBT-MSUB IPLSARE, School of Biosciences,
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam- 686 560, 09447959320,