Winter School on
Molecular Identification of Invasive and Emerging
Phytopthora Diseases of Horticultural Crops
2 - 23, September 2013
Organized by
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research
Hesaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore
The Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, invites applications from faculty members,and researchers of Indian universities / research institutions for a 3-week winter School on Molecular identification of invasive and emerging Phytophthora diseases of horticultural crops sponsored by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, scheduled from 2 to 23,September, 2013.
Objective : The major objective of the winter school is to train young faculty and scientists on new molecular markers and associated methodologies for rapid identification of invasive and aggressive Phytophthora species associated with horticultural crops to contain crop losses. The winter school will focus on hands - on training in research methods in the laboratory in addition to lectures by experts on current trends so as to enable the participants to apply the same in their research programmes.
Eligibility : Faculty members/teachers and researchers working in the field of Plant Pathology/Biotechnology/ molecular biology are eligible to apply. Candidates from basic sciences like, Botany, life sciences and biosciences are also encouraged to apply. At least two years of teaching /research experience is prerequisite.
Application and Selection procedure : Candidates should submit the duly filled in application form to Dr. P.Chowdappa, Course Director, Division of Plant Pathology, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hesaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore -560 089 on or before 1, July, 2013. Applications should be forwarded by their research supervisor/Head of the Department or Head of the Institution. The applications may be sent by e-mail, followed by duly forwarded hard copy in order to hasten the process. The candidates will be selected on the basis of qualification and research interests.
Registration fee : A registration fee of Rs. 50 will be charged for each participant as per the ICAR guidelines and the same may be paid at the time of their registration for joining the Winter school.
Total no. of participants : 25 (Twenty five only)
TA/DA & Accommodation : The participants will be provided for the journey, to and fro, restricted to AC-II-Tier train fare or any state road transport services as per the ICAR guidelines. Participants should produce a certificate that they have not been given TA/DA by their host institute (Head of the Department/Institute) and the training period should be considered 'On Duty' by the participant's parent institution. Boarding and lodging for the participants will be provided at the ICAR guest houses and same will be met by the winter school.
About winter school : The genus Phytophthora encompasses approximately 100 phytopathogenic species. Phytophthora species cause catastrophic damage in horticultural crops and threaten natural ecosystems throughout the world. Leaf blights, dieback, cankers, wilt, fruit and root rot are examples of symptoms that develop as a result of Phytophthora infection. In India, Phytophthora diseases are major production constraints in arecanut, cocoa, coconut, black pepper, cardamom, colacosia, rubber, apple, potato, tomato and chillies. Phytophthora ramorum that has been damaging important nursery and forest plants in North America and Europe and P.infestans that was responsible for the Irish potato famine in the 19th century are considered as potential exotic threats in addition to other Phytophthora species. The migration of 13_A2 genotype of P.infestans from Europe that was responsible for severe epidemics of late blight on potato and tomato in India since 2008 is an example of exotic threats. This stresses the importance of bio-security in agricultural trade. The Winter School integrates phenotypic and genotypic markers for identification of invasive and aggressive clonal lineages of Phytophthora.
Contact :
Course Director
Winter School
Division of Plant Pathology
Indian Institute of Horticultural Research
Hesaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore-560 089
Phone: 080-28466420 Fax: 080-28466291
Mobile No: 09916355932
Deadline : 01.07.13