

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Academic Vacancies for Biotech/Microbio at Kerela University of fisheries and Ocean Studies | M.Sc can apply

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the posts of Assistant Professor on contract to the following posts. The last date for receipt of applications being 29.05.2013 at 5 p.m.

Assistant Professor in Biotechnology

Desirable : M.Sc / M.Tech in Biotechnology / Microbiology and specialization in Marine Biotechnology / Marine Microbiology / Molecular taxonomy of Marine Organisms.

Assistant Professor in Microbiology

Qualification: M.Sc in Microbiology / M.F.Sc and experience in Food Microbiology.

Assistant Professor in Biochemistry

Qualification: M.Sc in Biochemistry/ M.FSc and experience in Fish Biochemistry

Self attested copies of Qualifications, age, Teaching/Research experience, Publications, Seminar, Symposium, Trainings undergone should be attached along with the application forms. Registration fee of Rs.300/- (SC/ST Rs.100/-) can be remitted directly at the University cash counter or in SBT Pay-in-slip or by way of DD in favour of Finance Officer, KUFOS, Panangad, Kochi Account No.67149674791. Candidates should attend the interview on their own. Appointments should be for a period of one year or till a regular hand joins duty.

Qualified candidates who appeared for the interview for the post of Assistant Professor on contract as per Notification dtd.25.10.2012 also need to apply, however, they need not be paid application fee. For more details and proforma application form visit www.kufos.ac.in.

Pay (consolidated)

Post Graduation with NET qualification: Rs. 22,000/- pm

M.Phil : Rs. 23,000/- pm

Ph.D. : Rs. 25,000/- pm

The period of appointment shall be initially for a period of one year.