Maharshi Dayanand University, ab initio established as Rohtak University, Rohtak, came into existence by an Act No. 25 of 1975 of the Haryana Legislative Assembly in 1976 with the objective to promote inter-disciplinary higher education and research in the fields of environmental, ecological and life sciences. It was rechristened as Maharshi Dayanand University in 1977 after the name of a great visionary and social reformer, Maharshi Dayanand.
One Project assistant is required in the CSIR Ayurgenomics Unit-TRISUTRA project “Correlated of Microbial Enterotypes and Prakarti in Diverse population using Metagenomics Approach “sanctioned to Dr. Nar Singh Chauhan (PI), Department of Biochemistry MDU Rohtak. Interested Candidates many reach to office of Project Investigator for walk in interview at 10.00 am on 28th October 2013 with all original testimonials and CV.
- Project title : “Correlated of Microbial Enterotypes and Prakarti in Diverse population using Metagenomics Approach “
- Post : Project Assistant
- No of Post : One
- Qualification : M.Sc Life Science with 55% marks
- Salary : Rs 8333/- per month
- Contact :Dr Nar Singh ChauhanPrinciple InvestigatorEmail : nschauhanmdu@gmail.comWalk in Interview : 28.10.13