Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS), Almora, Uttarakhand, India, is a premier institute of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, engaged in hill agricultural research for North-Western Himalayan region of India. It is a multi-crop and multi-disciplinary institute. It has so far released 120 varieties of 25 crops. Some of these varieties have been released by Central Varietal Release Committee (CVRC) for other parts of India, apart from the mandate area. It has to its credit the first hybrid maize variety for Himalayan region, viz., VL Makka 54, released in 1962. The institute has maintained its tradition of hard work and excellence. The recognition came around when the institute bagged the coveted 'Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award' in 2001 and again in 2008. The institute aspires at achieving still greater goals under the Director Dr. J.C Bhatt.
1. Name of the project: Development of micronutrient enriched maize through molecular breeding Phase II
Name of the post: Research Associate
Essential qualification: M.Sc./M.Sc.(Ag.)/M.Tech with two years of experience / Ph.D. in Biotechnology/Plant Breeding/Chemistry/ Agricultural Chemicals with experience in Plant molecular biology/chemical analysis.
Desirable: Experience and knowledge of chemical analysis for grain micronutrients.
2. Name of the project: Rapid conversion of normal maize inbreds to quality protein maize and further enhancement of limiting amino acids in elite inbreds through marker-assisted selection
Name of the post: Research Associate
Essential qualification: M.Sc./M.Sc.(Ag.)/M.Tech with two years of experience / Ph.D. in Biotechnology/Plant Breeding with experience in Plant molecular biology.
Desirable: Experience and knowledge of molecular biology techniques used in gene mapping, MAS, transformation and cloning
3. Name of the project: Genetic enhancement of wheat and pyramiding rust resistance genes through molecular approaches northern hill of India (Network: Molecular marker assisted development of biotic stress resistant wheat varieties)
Name of the post: Senior Research Fellow
Essential qualification: M.Sc./M.Sc.(Ag.)/M.Tech in Biotechnology/Plant Breeding with experience in plant molecular biology.
Desirable: Experience and knowledge of molecular biology techniques used in gene mapping, MAS, transformation and cloning.
4. Name of the project: Pyramiding multiple resistance genes using MAS for durable resistance against blast in the North West Himalayas
Name of the post: Junior Research Fellow
Essential qualification: M.Sc./M.Sc.(Ag.)/M.Tech in Biotechnology/Plant Breeding with experience in plant molecular biology.
Desirable: Experience and knowledge of molecular biology techniques used in gene mapping, MAS, transformation and cloning.
How to apply:
The eligible and desirous candidates fulfilling all the requirements are invited to appear before the Selection Committee for interview at V.P.K.A.S. (ICAR), Almora on 08.10.2013 at 10.00 AM