

Thursday 16 January 2014

Test For Detecting Genetic Modifications in Food

Plants are genetically modified to produce abundant, healthy food products that are pest resistant. As large quantities of such genetically modified food products are grown, consumers are wary of them at the same time. There is a constant demand for monitoring and labeling them. Scientist have developed a convenient test that detects genetic modifications in food.

Li-Tao Yang, Sheng-Ce Tao and colleagues took a note that by the end of 2012, farmers were growing GM crops on more than 420 million acres of land across 28 countries. That's 100 times more than when commercialization began in 1996. But still doubts are there about the possible effects on the environment and human health of these modified crops which are created by changing the plants' genes to make them more healthful or more able to resist pests.
In response to the growing demand for regulation,  policymakers, mainly in Europe, have instituted certain regulations to monitor GM products. Inspite of efforts of researchers , who have come up with many ways to detect genetic modification in crops, no single test existed to do a comprehensive scan.
Li-Tao Yang, Sheng-Ce Tao and colleagues developed a test they call "MACRO," which stands for: multiplex amplification on a chip with readout on an oligo microarray. It combines two well-known genetic methods to flag about 97 percent of the known commercialized modifications, almost twice as many as other tests. It also can be easily expanded to include future genetically modified crops.