

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Short Training Course on “Developing Human Resource for Teaching Core Course in Plant Nematology" organized by CCS HAU

Short Training Course on“Developing Human Resource for Teaching Core Course in Plant Nematology"(Dec 23, 2013 - Jan 4, 2014)Organized byCCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

  • The Academy of Agricultural Research and Education Management (AAREM) in collaboration with Department of Nematology, CCSHAU Hisar is organizing a short training course on “Developing Human Resource for Teaching Core Course in Plant Nematology” from December 23, 2013 to January 4, 2014. This course is being offered for the faculty of all State Agricultural Universities, Central Agricultural University, Other universities having Faculty of Agriculture and ICAR Institutes /other institutes engaged in teaching the subject of Nematology.
  • The subject of Nematology is relatively new. The Fourth Deans’ committee of ICAR has recommended a core course “Introductory Nematology” (1+1 credits), besides elective courses in B. Sc. Ag. /B. Sc. Hort. programmes for all SAUs/CAUs. Most of the SAUs/CAUs have already implemented the new UG curriculum. Out of about 50 SAUs/CAUs/other universities with agriculture faculty (OUsAF), only about 10 have separate Department of Nematology. Among the other SAUs/CAUs/OUsAF, only a few have full-time nematologists who are placed in Entomology or Plant Pathology departments. Majority of Colleges of Agriculture/Horticulture in SAUs do not have trained faculty to teach these courses. Most often teaching of these courses is assigned to entomologists or plant pathologists who feel handicapped for want of sound theoretical background, practical training and non-availability of teaching aids.
  • Total no of Participants : 30
    Objectives :
    • To generate human resource for teaching core/elective courses in Plant Nematology at UG level in those SAUs/CAUs/OUsAF where trained nematologists are not available
    • To impart hands-on training to the participants to enable them in handling practical sessions more effectively
    • To provide teaching aids for effective and uniform coverage of the course contents
    Participants : 
    • Master’s degree in Entomology/ Plant Pathology/ Plant Protection/ Botany/ Zoology/ Microbiology
    • Assistant Professor/equivalent and above in the subjects mentioned above under SAUs/CAUs/OUsAF system
    Registration Fee : The participants are required to pay a sum of Rs.1600 (Rupees one thousand and six hundred only) as registration fee. The registration fee shall be deposited in cash at the time of registration on December 23, 2013
    Evaluation : The programme will be evaluated for its quality of contents, suitability and usefulness to the target clientele by the participants through a well-designed questionnaire. Likewise, the participants will be subjected to formal assessment.
    Nominations in the prescribed format (May be downloaded fromhttp://www.hau.ernet.in /) and sent to :The DirectorHuman Resource Management,CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar- 125004 (Haryana)Tel. : 01662-284316/289402 (O); Fax : 01662-284316/ 234952 (O)E-mail : aarem@hau.ernet.in
    Deadline : 16.12.13